Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Tuesday 11 September 2012

What is the greatest of all things?

Man has wants and desires. The need for food, clothes, shelter, medical aid etc is common to all mankind. Nature has provided for all of our needs but we need to plan, put in effort and then only we can acquire materials to fulfill our needs. As we are given intelligence, rationalizing ability, discernment and logical ability, we are able to refine on the material available to us and create sophisticated products which satisfy our need for creativity and refinement. We have created and invented a multitude of items, products and machines which grow more refined with the passing of time. Automatic looms, gas cooker, electric cooker, microwave oven, fridge, computer, handheld tablets, cellphone, a vast variety of medical equipment, the rocket to the moon and unmanned rocket to the mars – the list of inventions is endless. What is the greatest of all things? Let us look at this incident between Sri Krishna and Sage Narad  to understand what is the greatest of all things:

Once, Sri Krishna and Sage Narad were together in a beautiful forest. It was an idyllic scene. A little stream was flowing past by and there were shady trees and flowering shrubs everywhere. The fragrances of the flowers were wafting in the cool breeze and the Lord and his devotee sat under the shade of a big tree. All devas – or minor gods were gathered there to spend time in the delightful presence of the Lord. The animals and birds of the forest too were sitting in peace at the Lord’s Feet. The lion sat next to the deer and the snake lay at the feet of the peacock. A fox licked at the ear of a squirrel with love and swan sat gracefully next to the tiger. The effulgence of light, love and peace from the Lord wove its magic spell on all and everyone was in bliss.

Sage Narad sat at the feet of the Sri Krishna and was massaging His Feet. His heart was overflowing with love and devotion. All of a sudden, the Lord looked deeply into eyes of Sage Narad. He wanted to test and see  if Sage Narad had the understanding of reality of life. He asked him: Narad, what is the greatest thing there is? What is your opinion and experience?

Sage Narad had traveled all over the cosmos and undoubtedly had a great experience of life and reality. But he became nervous as he desperately wanted to please the Lord. He replied:  O Lord, I think it is the ocean. The little fishes in the stream jumped in joy as they were on their way to meet the river which would eventually merge into the ocean. The Lord smiled and said the answer was wrong as the ocean is surrounded and bounded by land.

Sage Narad apologized to the Lord. His next choice was the mountains. Undoubtedly they were the greatest. The squirrels sitting at the Lord’s Feet were very happy and scampered about excitedly.  The Lord smiled and said that the mountains were limited as the sky around their peaks were much greater.  Sage Narad was surprised at his own ignorance. He replied that he understood that the sky was the greatest of all. All the birds were very happy to hear this and they chirped and twittered in joy. The Lord smiled and said that the answer was wrong as Heaven was  beyond the sky. The devas were thrilled at the answer given by the Lord and they zoomed around in the skies in happiness. Then Sage Narad said that the Heavens were the greatest of all. And the Lord said no.

Sage Narad could not think further. He was confused and felt defeated. Then Sri Krishna came to his rescue. He said: Devotion is the greatest of all things as it makes you little, humble and loving. And there is nothing greater than being little, humble and loving, for then you win Me over  and I become yours.

The purpose of this life is to attain our potential in the material and spiritual world. All of us attain degrees of success in the material world. Few of us work to obtain the Love of God. To get grace and love of God we have to be wholly devoted to Him. Let us do our SitaRam mantra, meditation and follow the teachings of the Guru with utmost devotion and win the Lord for ourselves.