Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Monday 26 November 2012

Beyond Reason or Logic

The Enlightened – Trailinga Swami – Part 7

There is so much of noise and confusion in the world today as differences are emphasized all the time. The feelings of superiority, color, caste, race, status, sex, wealth, power, position etc create walls between us and we vent out our anger and frustration through word and action. The Man of God dissolves his ego and self into the Divine Light and sees the world as a stream of  Light. For him, all creation is play of Light of God. There is no difference or distinction or discrimination in his mind towards anyone. He is full of divine love and silence.  Such was the state of Trailinga Swami who saw no distinction between himself and others and gave up even his clothes and remained in smiling silence most of the times.

During the times of Trailinga Swami, the British ruled India. The British Officers labelled Trailinga Swami as a nuisance and a social disgrace due to his nudity. There are many hilarious incidents related to British Officers and Trailinga Swami. Once, an official complaint was registered against Trailinga Swami and a policeman was sent to arrest the holy man. The police man set off for the completion of his duty and came back with a report that the holy man kept disappearing whenever he neared Trailinga Swami to arrest as instructed.  The logic and intellect of the Magistrate could not accept such a statement from the policeman and a large search party was sent to bring in the culprit. When the search party was looking out for the holy man, Trailinga Swami appeared in front of the Magistrate laughing hilariously. An Indian official informed the Magistrate that Trailinga Swami was a great Siddha and viewed all creation as one.

The Magistrate wished to test this statement and offered Trailinga Swami a plate full of meat to eat. He was aware that meat was forbidden for Hindu Saints. Trailinga Swami agreed at once with a smiling face and also requested the Magistrate to have his food. The Magistrate agreed and served Trailinga Swami the plateful of meat which was eaten with gusto. After eating his meal, Trailinga Swami squatted and defecated into the palm of his hand and offered the ‘food’ to the Magistrate to eat. The Magistrate was shocked and swore aloud. He swore even more when he saw that the offering in Trailinga Swami’s hand had transformed into fresh, fragrant sandalwood paste. Now wholly convinced of the heights of spiritual stature of Trailinga Swami, he protected the holy man throughout the district. 

When this Magistrate was transferred to another district, a new Magistrate took his place. He too reacted to the nudity of Trailinga Swami with outrage and had him arrested and jailed. The following morning, the Magistrate visited the prisoner to tell him off. As he entered the jail grounds, he was greeted by the smiling prisoner who was ambling about. The Magistrate was outraged and demanded to know who let out the prisoner from his cell. No one had. Trailinga Swami remarked that early in the morning, he wished to urinate and came out. The Magistrate was infuriated and had Trailinga Swami locked in an even more secure cell. As the Magistrate left, he felt someone follow him and turned to see Trailinga Swami walking behind him.

Trailinga Swami told the Magistrate: This world is created by the Infinite Consciousness and is filled with unlimited possibilities. There are many things you are ignorant about. The one who has reached the heights of yoga has merged himself with the Infinite Consciousness.  He cannot be bound by anyone or anything. You cannot do anything to me. Your power and authority have no value before the Power of Infinite. The Magistrate bowed humbly before the greatness of Trailinga Swami and issued orders to leave the holy man alone.

The actions and words of a Man of God are beyond reason or logic and are guided by Divine Directions. They teach us that, indeed, there is a God and He is all pervading. Let us work to reach God with our regular spiritual practices of SitaRam mantra, meditation and following the teachings of the Guru.