Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Friday, 11 January 2013

The Elements of Creation

Understanding of Universe and Life – Samkhya Philosophy- 2
(please refer to

Through keen observation and inner illumination, the Rishis of India perceived the close relationship between man and the Universe. They found the Cosmic Energy and Consciousness manifested in all existence, how it was interwoven and glittered in the fabric of all living and non loving things. The Rishis realized that the source of all existence is the Cosmic Consciousness which manifests as male and female energy – Shiva and Shakti; Purusha and Prakriti.

The Samkhya philosophy gives a very clear description of the descent of Consciousness into matter at the time of creation.  These teachings of Kapila Muni, the great seer speak of process of creation at macrocosm level at time of creation.  At the micro level,  similar process are found during the birth of an individual and the creation of individual cells in our bodies. At the human level, the Purusha is symbolically compared to a man and the Prakriti with a woman. At the microcosmic level, a union between a man and woman leads to the creation of a new being. Whatever is found is the cosmos is found in the human body and therefore we can start with the study of the human body and reach the understanding of Cosmos. 


The Universal Cosmic Consciousness is called Brahman.  It is neither male or female. It is silent and still and beyond witnessing and being witnessed.  It is beyond all dualities.  At the will of Universal Consciousness- the Brahman, a vibration rose from within itself. This is the Aumkar.  The Aumkar caused the emergence of two primary energies from it – the masculine energy called Purusha and the feminine energy called Prakriti. It is through the union or dance of these two energies that the entire Universe is created. Thus the universe is created from sound (vak) or Aumkar. Sound corresponds to ether, the subtlest of the five material elements. The elements develop progressively from subtle to gross


Purusha is the cosmic masculine principle. It is consciousness, the eternal reality. It is silent awareness. It is beyond quality & attribute, time & space, cause &  effect. But the Purusha still operates within the realm of subject-object. It is formless, colorless, and takes no active part in the manifestation of the universe. This energy is choiceless and is passive awareness.


Prakriti is Shakti, the cosmic feminine energy. She is nature. She is active. She  is creative & dynamic,  quality & form, time & space effect and  cause &  effect. Prakriti has form, color and attributes: She is awareness with choice. She who is One who desires to become many and manifests her will. The Universe is the child born out of the womb of Prakriti, the Divine Mother.

She is the matrix of duality and web of Maya or illusion. Purusha is the  subject or witness, Prakriti is the reflection or object of witness.  

Prakriti creates all forms in the universe – animate and inanimate, while Purusha is the witness to this creation. This primordial physical energy contains the three attributes, or gunas, found in all nature, the evolving cosmos. The three guna are satwa, rajas and tamas. Initially all the gunas were in equilibrium in Prakriti. Then the rajas guna became activated due to Prakriti’s excitement for Purusha, thereby producing a state of disequilibrium and the beginning of creation.

(Contd in the next blog -3.....)