Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Saturday, 5 January 2013

The Name that is the Wishing Well!

Rama Nama Mahima – Swami Bodhendrar - Part 3

Swami Bodhendrar witnessed the miraculous power of Rama Nama. A Hindu woman who was raped and forced to convert to another religion  regained her former glory and appearance as a Hindu woman & wife by merely chanting the name of Rama once and dipping herself in the river. This mind blowing incident was witnessed by the population of an entire town.  With utter conviction regarding the power of Name of Rama, Swami Bodhendrar left for South India to spread the Holy name of God and teach people about bhakti. As per the instructions of his Guru, he also collected the book ‘Bagavannama Kowmudhi’ written by Lakshmidharar of Puri, which was a nama siddhantha grantham – a book teaching about the Power of Name of God.

After Swami Bodhendrar reached Kanchi, he wrote several books as desired by his Guru Swami Vishwadikendhra Saraswathi. Many of them were lost over time and only a few are available today.  Bagavannama Rasodhayam, Bagavannama Rasarnavam, Bagavannama Rasayanam are some of his books which give us the nectar of his teachings on the greatness of chanting the name of God. Swami Bodhendrar  waited for his Guru to come back to Kanchi and offered unto the holy feet of his Guru, all his writings.  Swami Vishwadikendhra Saraswathi was very happy with his work as now the Universal Truths of the Glory of the Name were available to the common man through books.   He asked Swami Bodhendrar  to travel through the length and breadth of India to preach the importance of Bagavan Nama (name of God).  Then Swami Bodhenrar  traveled across India teaching the common man the  greatness and bhakti of Rama Nama. Chanting the Rama Nama is the easiest way of attaining God in Kali Yuga – the times that we live in now.

During his travels, many a times, Swami Bodhendrar was a witness to the spectacular  powers of  Rama Nama.  Once there was a great plague in Arcot district in South India. There was no cure for it in those days.  The population of Arcot was infected and dying. The Nawab of Arcot himself was attacked by the plague. Swami Bodhendrar happened to be in Arcot district at that time. The people of that area fell at his feet and sought a solution to the devastating problem. Swami Bodhendrar asked them to get together and chant the Rama Nama. Once they did this, everyone in the district was cured and there was no trace of plague in the city. The now healed Nawab was overwhelmed and grateful. He offered land to Swami Bodhendrar for building a mutt there and became an ardent follower!

During his travels, Swami Bodhendrar once visited a village called Thirukokarnam for spreading the Holy Name of Rama. He initiated all the members of the village with Rama Nama. A dasi or a prostitute who yearned for God hesitantly asked him if he would initiate her as well. Without a second thought, Swami Bodhendrar initiated her and gave her the jewel of Rama Nama. The entire village was shocked. As a rule, sanyasi do not mix with women or speak to them. Swami Bodhendrar broke the rule and gave initiation of Rama Nama to a dasi! The villagers began to speak ill of him and gossip about him.  It made no impact on Swami Bodhendrar and he carried on his work as usual. After a few days he left the village when his work was completed. 

The dasi chanted the holy name of Rama with sincerity and devotion. She chanted it day and night. The inner transformation in her was sure and swift.  After some time, Swami Bodhendrar came back to the same village. By that time this woman had finished chanting many crores of Rama japa. With great devotion and surrender, she came for the darshan of her Guru and prostrated before him. As her head touched the floor near her Guru’s feet, she gave up her life at her own will. The spirit passed through the opening of the Sashasrar Chakra. Such death is called Kapala Moksha and  is possible only for a  perfected Yogi or Siddha. It was the height of culmination of her bhakti and the effect of the Rama Nama japa. It was a practical demonstration to the small minded villagers that Rama Nama purifies anyone who chants the Name sincerely and takes them to the highest level of evolution – of merger with the Universal Consciousness.  Indeed, the Rama Nama grants us whatever we need in life at that moment of time. It is our own personal wishing well!

Contd in the next blog - 4