Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Tuesday 13 December 2011

Tarak Mantra - Ram Nam

Ram Mantra is called the Tarak Mantra. Taraka in Sanskrit is a star. The star shines from heavens and traverses space to guide the traveller across the ocean or across vast empty lands where there are no landmarks. The taraka mantra is a shining light, a guide to help liberate oneself from the cycle of births and rebirths.

Crossing the Bhavasagar or the Ocean of Material Life is not easy. But it becomes effortless when one has a Siddha Guru and Guru Mantra. The Guru is the raft and the Mantra is the paddle which helps one glide through life effortlessly in the right direction and right way.

Always do the mantra japa of Ram nam/SitaRam