Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Thursday 13 December 2012

Ashtanga Yoga- Importance of Yam and Niyam

Yoga shows man the way to yoke himself to God. Ashtanga yoga is a systematic method of developing self and reaching self-realization. The science of Yoga charts out detailed development of an individual  in all aspects -physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  Yoga also sees his development as an individual and also as a member of society. Man is a part of family and society and has his personal ambitions and desires.  He starts his journey towards God as member of a family and society. He has duties towards his family, society and nation. Yoga focuses on the qualities needed for his complete development. Ashtanga Yoga develops a common man slowly and steadily into a spiritual being and leads him successfully to meditation and samadhi.  

Yam and Niyam are the first two limbs of the Ashtanga Yoga. These are usually understood as dos and don’ts of personal habits and behavior. 

The five Yams are: ahimsa or non violence,  satya or truthfulness,  asteya or non stealing, brahmacharya or self control/celibacy and  kshama or patience.

Other important Yams are: dhriti or steadfastness, daya or compassion, arjava or honesty, mithahara or moderate eating and aparigraha or absence of greed

The five niyams are: shaucha or purity of body, mind and speech, santosha or contentment, tapas or austerity,  svadhyaya or self study or self effort which leads to knowledge about God, Ishvarpranidhana or surrender to God.  

The other niyams are: hri or being modest and showing shame for misdeeds, dana or giving without seeking reward, astikya or faith in Guru and God, mati or cognition/developing a spiritual will and intellect under the guidance of Guru, vrata or fulfilment of scared vows, japa or daily chanting of mantras.

A closer look shows us that Yam teaches the common man how to behave in society and Niyam are guidelines for individual behaviour. Yoga considers society first and then the individual. Ultimately, Yoga emphasises detachment and renunciation but starts the teachings with how to interact with society in an ethical manner and also charts out guidelines for personal development. Asanas and Pranayam come as the third and fourth steps.  Right postures, exercises, bending and stretching, right breathing and breath retention are not the starting point of yoga. Those who start directly with Asanas and Pranayam without learning and practicing Yam and Niyam will not achieve the complete benefits of Yoga.  The importance of Yam and Niyam cannot be emphasized enough. These two steps are the foundation of development of an individual and of yoga. There is no compromising in the learning and practice of Yam and Niyam. Yoga is a science and must be followed systematically.

The starting point of Yoga studies is not Asanas and Pranayam, but the study of Yam and Niyam. If one starts the study of Yoga ignoring the Yam and Niyam, he will not be in a position to experience the results of the studies as expected. Yam and Niyam should be faithfully observed. One cannot negotiate in these aspects and there are no exceptions to them. If the Yam and Niyam are not observed fully, the benefits of the studies will also fail to accrue fully. The example of a dress can be given to illustrate the importance of Yam and Niyam. We can buy  the most expensive and exquisite  material, have it cut by the best tailor to our measurements, but if the different parts are not sewn together, the whole garment will fall apart. The effort of buying the material and get it cut by the most expert tailor are of no use.  Following Yam and Niyam is sewing together the whole effort and exercise of Yoga to give us the desired results as promised by Yoga.

Development and growth of arts and culture in society and development of agriculture, trade and commerce for national development are possible only when the people of the land have inner restraints of right behaviour, ethics and principles. Self imposed moral restraints are far more superior and powerful than rules which are enforced by fines and punishments. Where Yam and Niyam are followed by people to some extent, there will be all round progress and development in the society and nation. Without Yam and Niyam, man has no morals and culture. He controls others around him with cruelty, violence and military strength. So let us understand and follow the principles of Yam and Niyam fully  for all-round development and practice the SitaRam mantra, meditation and teachings of the Guru to get the highest results as promised by Yoga.