Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Niyam – Rules for personal development- 3

Contd from previous blog- Niyam 2

Hri – Modesty: It is giving up pride and pretension. It includes showing shame and remorse for wrongs done knowingly or unknowingly. We must recognize our errors and rectify them. We must admit our errors to ourselves. Else we cannot transform ourselves. In many situations, we must admit our error to the other person and apologize   We must apologize sincerely when we hurt someone  through our words or deeds. We must constantly check our thoughts, words and deeds and welcome correction as means of improving self. We must be modest in behavior and shun boasting.

Dan or Donation: It means giving in charity and giving generously without thought of a reward. All religions teach us to tithe a portion of our income – generally 1/10th as offerings to temples, ashrams or spiritual organisations. We should offer a part of our earnings to our Guru for the grace and blessings bestowed on us. We should feed the poor and needy. We must offer our help by way of cash, time, physical efforts, talent and organisational skills to others without expectations of reward. We should treat the guest as God and take good care of him. When we offer something to someone without regard for our own needs – we perform the ultimate dan.

Aastikya  or Theism: It is a firm belief in the existence of God, in the greatness of the Guru and faith in the path of enlightenment.  We must have unshakable rock-like faith in God, Guru and our spiritual practices. We should trust the word of the Guru and follow his teachings fully. We should have trust in the sacred scriptures and ancient texts and traditions. We should be loyal to our lineage and Guru. We should not mix with those who are Guru drohi or betrayers of Guru or those who speak against the Guru or the practices. We should avoid despair and doubt. We should live in peace and with great love for God and Guru.

Mati  or Cognition: Mati is developing a spiritual will and intellect under the guidance of a Guru. It is to strive for knowledge of God and awakening the light within us. When our intellect works with  divine guidance, we understand the profound truths of life and gain knowledge and wisdom. This peculiar quality of intellect is Mati. Mati helps us  overcome desires and the wavering of the mind. It shows us the truth and helps us face criticism with courage. It shows us reality without superimposition of our imagination and suppositions on all happenings around us. We should strengthen the voice of conscience through regular meditation and understanding the subtle sciences and sacred texts.

Vrata or Sacred Vows :  It is fulfilling of religions vows and observances. Our culture and traditions teach us many sacred vows which increase and strengthen our faith, love and surrender to God. When we undertake and fulfil vows such as fasting or reading of sacred scriptures or chanting the name of God, we harness our  human nature and reap the rewards of Divine Grace. Vows like chastity, honesty, marriage, tithing to Guru, non addiction, loyalty to lineage of Guru, vegetarianism, not drinking or smoking should be observed in full and never broken. Fulfillment of vows strengthens our character and principles. 

All of us have love and fear of God. But all of mankind does not make an effort to love God selflessly or work for self realization  It is not possible for the average man to follow the Yam and Niyam to the fullest extent. The aim of the average man is to live a happy and peaceful material life and for this even if he follows the rules of yam and niyam to some extent, he will achieve his goal of peaceful life.  Those who are serious in their goals of self realization must follow the yam niyam to the fullest extent possible to achieve Samadhi of Meditation. All souls are moving towards God in their own pace and each and every one of us will reach the Divine Light and Love in the end.  By consciously following the principles and practices of Yoga, we speed up our journey towards the Light.