Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Amrit Dhara - Dhyanyogi Omdasji

Saturday 15 December 2012

Yam - Principles for Social Interaction – Part 2

Contd from previous blog

Brahmacharya  or Sexual Continence : The Yoga Sadhak or follower should observe restraint in sexual matters. Bramacharya is sexual purity. It is a proper conduct towards the opposite sex. Sex is enjoyed only with one’s own partner. It is controlling lust while we are single and remaining faithful to partner after marriage.  Before marriage, we are students and are training for a vocation. All vital energies must be utilized for this purpose and not wasted through promiscuous behaviour, speech or thought. We must understand that it is alright to appreciate the beauty and good qualities of others without wanting to possess them or have a sexual relationship with them.  

There is a huge misunderstanding about bramacharya and Yoga. There is no need for us to renounce family life in order to do japa,  meditate or have deep love of God.  When we start on the path of God from a young age, we must follow the principles of restraint towards the opposite sex and after marriage, be faithful to our partner. As we progress on the path and attain  experience and deeper understanding of spiritual laws, there is natural inclination towards self control and self restraint in sex and towards worldly desires.  We do not give up our desires or stop working or earning or saving wealth. Now we control our desires and not let desires ride on our backs. We have full freedom in what we do and we consciously make choices in all aspects and areas of life. Desires no longer have the ability to make us lose our mental balance and affect our physical well-being. 

Modesty in dressing, eating satwic foods, reading of holy books, satsang, keeping company of saints and Gurus help us in keeping bramacharya. We must avoid pornography in all forms – magazines, books, internet sites and online chat. We must avoid sexual humor and violence. 

The sexual energy is very powerful. With regular practices, it gets converted into spiritual energy –  ojas (sexual energy) becomes tejas (spiritual energy/radiance). This is seen as radiance in the face, hands and feet of the disciple.  The aura becomes lighter, brighter and stronger with the vibrations of the practices. The tejas can be felt by anyone who comes near such a person.  The tejas makes the sadhak very charismatic.  

Following the rules of bramacharya are not as difficult as we think. All of us have ethics and principles and following bramacharya fulfils our personal standards of morals. With the right understanding of bramacharya and regular  spiritual practices, as we progress on the path, we find that such rules are no longer externally imposed – we impose them on ourselves naturally  and easily. The one  who observes  sexual control gets illuminated and acquires various siddhis. 

Kshama  or  Patience: Patience is essential when we live amongst people in society as each of us is different in multiple ways. Patience helps us to understand and accept people and circumstances as  they are.  People around us behave in any manner they wish to and circumstances are not in our control.  We are lashed by reactions of anger, insult, jealousy and vengeance. If we hit back and take an eye for an eye, soon the entire world will be blind, including us.  By reacting in same manner as the other person, we lose our peace of mind and calmness. When we are resolute that we will not react to others but think and act, we empower ourselves to be peaceful and balanced and are able to understand the point of view of the other person. The mind becomes calm and the blows which are rained on us are easily warded off.

By our personal example, we teach others not to argue, interrupt or dominate conversations. We are patient and we teach patience. We are able to give a full ear to the opinions of others and can get along better with family, elderly, young and the management. Our stress reduces and we remain poised and balanced at all times.

Contd in the next blog... part 3